File extension .CRY
Full Name | Developer | Category |
CryENGINE Map Format | Crytek | Data Files |
The CRY (CryENGINE Map File) is a type of CryENGINE file used by the 3D game development platform developed by Crytek. It contains level geometry, environment details, object placement, and other information for a specific map. A map can be used in levels for Crysis, FarCry, and other games that utilize the CryENGINE software.
Technical Specifications
The CRY file format was designed to store data in highly structured form. The files have a hierarchical structure, comprising five main sections - terrain, environment, objects, prefab and triggers. Terrains and environments are stored in 3D meshes. Unlike some other formats, the content is stored in two locations - in binary data and in external files. This provides support for large data structures and allows for fast read/write operations. Binary objects are further divided into entities such as characters, buildings and vehicles.
Similar File Extensions
Some related file extensions include .SUP, .MASK, .BIP, and .CGF. All these formats contain data associated with CryENGINE.
After installing the required software, the operating system will usually automatically associate an unknown file type (in this case .CRY) with the new application. If this does not happen, we can help the system a bit by selecting the software for it, which it should always use to open files with the .CRY extension.
When choosing the software we can select the system to use this software every time.
Using it for the first time it is good to check whether the .CRY file opened in the application can be read by us and opens in a way that allows us to use it. If everything is in order, select this option the next time you open a file with the .CRY extension. However, if the file has not opened correctly, we have to look for a different software, with which we can open files with the .CRY extension. Select a different software from our list and install it on your computer. After the software is installed, repeat inspection openings of a .CRY file. Sometimes you have to repeat the operation several times.